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    Latest Update on CPC Events

    03.26.20 | Events | by John Jones

    These words of James are perhaps more on minds now than they have been for some time. At first glance, that is a very good thing. James says, “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a...


      03.26.20 | Discipleship | by Eric Mullinax

      There is something both sad and ironic about intentionally creating physical separation between those in our communities. We still have other ways to connect…calls, cards, FaceTime, texts, emails, Skype, etc.  However, for the...

        Family Devotions

        03.21.20 | Discipleship | by Jake Bennett

        Are family devotions part of your family's daily routine? If not, we would encourage you to take the time to add this important tool as you work to disciple your children and lead them to develop their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

          Still Grateful

          03.17.20 | Pastor's Notes | by John Jones

          Like you, the time away from the worshiping body of Covenant Presbyterian Church was strange and painful. But this should be the case, shouldn’t it?

            Knowledge Helps Us Love

            02.26.20 | Pastor's Notes | by John Jones

            Last week’s passage (Romans 13.8-14) challenged us with the surprising relationship between love for others, and the knowledge of and obedience to God’s moral law for us in the Ten Commandments.


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