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    Coming Together

    04.26.20 | Events | by John Jones

    As we think of our current suspension of our regular Sunday morning services, we remain committed to our original three-fold rationale...

      Thirsting For God

      04.23.20 | Discipleship | by Render Caines

      Due to the pandemic, Linda and I have been confined at home for several weeks, while others have been home alone. Then, Easter Sunday, tornados left some of you without your homestead...

        Worry & Anxiety

        04.21.20 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett

        COVID-19, Tornado Disaster, Relief Efforts, Economic Depression… the world is filled with anxiety. How is God shaping you through your anxieties? In preparation for this upcoming Sunday, please watch Pastor Jake’s encouragement on trusting the...

          Relief Update

          04.17.20 | Events | by John Jones

          "No one suspected that these would be the circumstances that we would find ourselves in, but our heavenly Father knows and He's caring for us nonetheless."

            Altered Church Life

            04.13.20 | Discipleship | by Dan Steere

            All over the world, Christians are persecuted, opposed, regulated, silenced, and challenged. In every case, God’s people adapt, change, and flex in order to obey the Biblical imperative to worship God “in Spirit and in truth”.


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