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    The Second Advent

    12.12.19 | Pastor's Notes | by John Jones

    It may be premature, even anti-spiritual to some, to be looking ahead to the New Year when the season of Advent has just started. You may ask, “Why speed up time? Settle down. Relax.” In the words of Polish...

      Gwilym Davies and Reading Scripture

      12.11.19 | Pastor's Notes | by John Jones

      One of my very favorite preachers, Dr. Liam Goligher of Tenth Presbyterian (PCA) in Philadelphia, recently shared an article written by Dr. Craig Carter of Tyndale University, Toronto. I mentioned this article in my Midweek class...

      2019 Annual Congregational Meeting

      12.05.19 | Events | by John Jones

      A special thanks to all who were able to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 1. Thank you, members, regular attendees, and curious visitors, for staying. For those unable to attend, you missed not only our meeting, but...

        2019 Advent Readings

        12.04.19 | Worship | by John Jones

        1st Sunday in Advent Sunday the 1st:     Genesis 1.26-31     The Creation of Man   Monday the 2nd:      Genesis 3.1-24     The Fall and the First Promise...

          Paul Brand

          11.07.19 | Missions & Outreach | by Eric Mullinax

          He was an orthopedic doctor (and renowned author) who chose his patients among the “dalits” or the untouchables of India. Paul Brand was born in southwestern India in 1914 India to missionary parents. Alongside his wife and physician...

            Operation Christmas Child

            10.17.19 | Missions & Outreach | by Judy Foster

            Yves’ mother was pregnant with him when neighbors tried to kill them in Rwanda. He was born in a refugee camp in the Congo. More conflict forced his family to Kenya and finally to Togo. Though his father was a pastor, he hated people...

              Thankfully Assigned Hard Work

              07.25.19 | Worship | by Render Caines

              It was good to worship with you all this past Sunday. Following the service, I told Pastor Jones that I thought his sermon on Psalm 136 was one of the better sermons I’d ever heard from anyone. I also told him I was going to “rip it...

                2019 PCA General Assembly Report

                07.15.19 | PCA | by Jake Bennett

                Dear Church family,  This report comes to you as reviewed and received by the Session.  Thank you for your encouraging words and prayers while Pastors Jones and Bennett, and elder Mark Wilson traveled to Dallas, June 24-28, to participate in...


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