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02.08.22 | Discipleship | by Jay Fowler
In his book Got Your Back, Dr. Gary Yagel states, “Research reveals that 19 out of 20 Christian men have no best friend, no one helping them fight their spiritual battles, much less a brother who has their back.”
02.01.22 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett
A few months ago I was talking with a couple about the joys and struggles of parenting. As we shared stories of our children, we began sharing our hopes and dreams for our kids.
01.25.22 | Discipleship | by Jeremy Gaines
I come from a mixtape generation. I was blessed with parents who gave me a radio/cassette player when I was 10 years old. I would be in my room for hours listening to what I could find on the limited number of radio stations...
01.18.22 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere
“The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1 Timothy 1.5
In the New Year, Live, Connect, Grow, Go
01.11.22 | Shepherding | by John Jones
Welcome to a New Year with new challenges and new opportunities, and new dependence on a Sovereign Father. Let me open our new Newsletter with some things to expect in our church family this year.
12.16.21 | Discipleship | by Jeremy Gaines
Christ came to earth for a purpose. He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? In my tears, there is love...
12.09.21 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett
Where has the year 2021 gone? It is hard to believe that we are now in the second week of Advent! For me, the Christmas season seems strange culturally.
12.02.21 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere
We are all increasingly aware of both the opportunities and challenges of living in a global economy. Ease of travel, computer technology, and the availability of the internet have redefined much of what “overseas” means.
11.18.21 | Discipleship | by Ryan Hamilton
One of my favorite hymns to sing in corporate worship is the widely known and much beloved song of praise “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee.” Written by Henry Van Dyke at the turn of the twentieth century...
11.12.21 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones
Rico is one of those guys whom everyone agrees is an evangelist in the most official, technical, unequivocal way. ... They also know that he is a devoted follower of Jesus and absolutely invigorated by telling others about Him.