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03.29.22 | Shepherding | by Dan Steere
Thank the Lord with me for the generous way that we support missions and missionaries! This has always been one of the defining characteristics of this church...
Resources for Discerning a Call to Ministry
03.28.22 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones
Having received a few questions recently about discerning a call to pastoral ministry, it’s time to curate some of the more helpful resources.
03.25.22 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones
A few months ago, the former president of Covenant Theological Seminary, and now the Stated Clerk of our denomination (PCA), gave a talk at First Presbyterian Church in Augusta, Georgia. His talk was titled, "The Intergenerational...
03.24.22 | Coffee Stained Notebook | by John Jones
On March 6, Minister Matt Fuller ... delivered a sermon addressing the crisis in Ukraine through the lens of Psalm 90.1-17 ...
03.22.22 | Discipleship | by Ryan Hamilton
One of the things that has stood out to me recently in my personal Bible reading plan is Jesus’ frequent practice of getting away from the hustle and bustle of his daily life...
03.15.22 | Shepherding | by John Jones
Always one to plan a few months into the future, my head and heart are deep in the Easter season. Not only have I been focused on the death and resurrection of Jesus ... but I have also been reflecting on his death and resurrection ...
03.08.22 | News | by Jake Bennett
I have always found this passage to be a beautiful promise that the Apostle Paul recognizes about the Lord. In these verses from Ephesians...
03.01.22 | Discipleship | by Dory George
Did you know, ladies, that we are growing? Since the beginning of 2020, God has brought sixteen new women to our membership, along with many others who attend regularly. Whether you are new to CPC or are looking to reconnect...
The Lord Goes Before His People
02.22.22 | Shepherding | by Jake Bennett
A few years ago, I had the privilege of traveling on a 14-day trip through Israel. For those of you who have had similar travels, you likely know the experience of seeing the ancient walls of the temple...
02.15.22 | Discipleship | by Ryan Hamilton
One of my biggest struggles as a parent has been teaching my children to be patient. I have three wonderful boys - eight, four, and two years old - and patience is one fruit of the Spirit that has been in short supply in my house lately.